Monday, December 21, 2009
"Be still, and know that I am GOD". (Psalm 46:10)
What to watch for in 2010
An astrologer posted on DU recently that 2010 should harbour a great deal of the beginnings of such change, as people awaken to the new energy and its better way of living (and of the planets' un-ignorable energies; see the latest post in ASAH regarding Mars again becoming retroactive).
Of course, it's easy to wave the medicine stick and say "Ooga Booga, things are going to change in 2010", but the point is, knowing how and why. Freedom will be knocking upon the door of the repressive regimes. An overall feeling of "this isn't right/good enough; we should change this" will sweep the world.
Perhaps regimes will not immediately fall, and change shall not be immediately accomplished, but the point is in 2010 to watch it -begin-, and to sense the larger trend.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I seek truths, and most importantly, absolute truths.
There are truths, and there are absolute truths. I attempt to be empiric in my research, and throw out anything which does not work as advertised. I have made many terrible mistakes during this process, and have also seen hints of amazing things.
There are indeed, absolute truths. They are empiric, and are not the result of my desires or mindset. Especially since some require a spiritual path of living, ego reduction, and service. I'd just like to get mine and play around all day. To survive, I may not. This is the way of it. Others may arrive at this place in different times, through other means, or may be far beyond it.
I dislike absolutist statements as much as anyone else, yet often find myself making them, and fully understand the reactions they cause. I am open to new information, as I wish to come as close to the truth as is possible (at least in theory- it often forces me to be honest about things I do not wish to consider or to accept, about myself and others).
I'm willing to change my mind. I welcome new, better information. I'll change my position upon being corrected, and after confirming that the corrections are true. I don't claim to know what's best for everyone, except for everyone to be able to pursue their free will, whether or not it is good for them (and to fight that which harms others, intentionally or unintentionally). Free will gives you a right to harm others, and for others to respond as they wish. The overall of karma evens it all out, or you may do so through understanding it and adjusting your actions.
I have always known/felt that this world is nowhere near what is either possible or correct. The higher principles as stated in the Constitution and other Humane documents are not being enacted. A far better world is possible if they are enacted. All it takes is for us to get together and enact them. Sometimes placing ourselves at the front line in order to motivate others. During Reagan through Bush2, I began giving up the hope that the better world would occur. During Bush2, I did give up hope. A good view of the negative hierarchy can do that to you.
Things were put in place so that we would not destroy ourselves/allow ourselves to be destroyed at this time/at this point. My faith is back. I was wrong. I did not perceive the greater will and actions which form the world and its path. When it changed, I felt it and mentioned it. I believe that this can easily be found in my DemocraticUnderground Journal. Now, we are indeed upon a positive path plateau'ing in 2012. I have checked and re-checked and is it is currently, believe that this will occur. This is the direction the trend indicates. It may change. If it does, I will mention it. My research and doubt about this can easily be found in DU's ASAH and my other posts. Now, I believe that we are on track.
I have proven on these pages that I am psychic, and energetically sensitive. You may wish to consider these truths, when considering my research results regarding the current state of things and its apparent destination. Also, I'm well aware that I'm not aware of everything. I am not enlightened. I am many times, wrong. Which is why in mentioning my findings, know that I have taken many efforts to confirm that which I present. I'm not interested in being wrong in public, or in presenting misleading information, intentionally or unintentionally. I'm attempting to be of service with what little I have to offer. (Democratic Underground's) PsychicConsortium provided perspective and truths which helped me to make it through those last months of BushCo (knowing what they were doing to the economy. No one would listen to me...). I now offer what small amount that I have of the larger picture, to increase faith through the facts as they stand and as I currently understand them, and through the revelation of the spiritual through such abilities in the first place.
I'm quite ready to be wrong, to be corrected, and to correct myself. I know little, but wish to share what little I do know (and have attempted to confirm). I do not know how it will all turn out, how it will all end, or even of what will occur during the process itself. I am possibly aware of things others might miss, so I present them. You can also pray for insight and perspective, and it will be granted.
As the wise man said, you can like it or you cannot like it.
In the time ahead, there is a much greater opportunity to grow
In responsibility and karma, there is an increasing opportunity to perceive the consequences of not growing.
Choice has always been ours. We are now simply going to have to be responsible for our choices.
Basic Spiritual Principles.
2. Hope.
3. Faith.
4. Courage
5. Integrity.
6. Willingness.
7. Humility.
8. Brotherly Love.
9. Justice.
10. Perseverance.
11. Spiritual Awareness.
12. Service.
We truly already know these things. We truly already know the right thing to do.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Obama: Good Guy or...? And the "Antichrist"?
Also, do not forget at any time that the Republicans and their International money buddies placed us purposely in this economic maelstrom. It is the precursor to a power grab (and had they succeeded in destroying the US economy, would not have had to wait). Obama has saved the country from a terrible situation. Even though we are in the worst recession since the Great Depression (Obama's words), without his work, we would be in another Great Depression or worse.
The Republicans are playing the "you can't help" card, when they put us here. They hope that people will become uncomfortable enough that they will eventually vote for change, ANY CHANGE, even one placing us in a worse position (Republican rule). This is an old sadism technique. Make someone uncomfortable enough, and they will eventually seek change, to have SOME feeling of control, even though it is an illusion, even though it lands them in even worse straights.
This is the basis of Republican power grabs. Look to the Carter-era oil embargo and the results. Reagan/Bush's October Surprise with the Iranians. It goes on and on, and is Machievellian. It must stop. You must stand against it and scream loud and long to all who have ears, that it is the Republicans fault -because- they are attempting to again grab power. They care nothing for us, only for themselves and their selfish agenda.
They have nothing to offer. They can only cause harm, and blame others for it, until people forget whence the harm originally came.
I outline this negativity in hopes that it will help to bring about its eradication.
Also, regarding any sort of "antichrist"...who can be known through uniting people and creating peace...
Such "peace" is a Trojan Horse. A poisoned apple. The Luciferic, which will still be present in 2012, deceives. If you take bad advice and it hurts you, it is your responsibility. Such negativity prospers through offering just enough truth and light to entice, and then hides poison in otherwise attractive advice.
We will not be prevented from making mistakes with Satanic outcome. This is possible at a species level, as well as at an individual level. (My Mystery School teacher implied/teased that the Human species has a less than positive end result. I have not investigated such.)
>>IT IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY<< to make the best possible choices, and to weigh all outcomes. To seal any choice with something like IHAD's qualifier, "Only for the greatest possible good for myself and all involved".
(The second part from a DU post. I wish to now continue only speaking of the positive, and how to stay in tune with it. I thoroughly dislike attending to the negative in any way.)
Phillip K. Dick best described evil as a bouncing red light which leads you further and further into darkness, then when all around is dark, winks out.
If things are becoming dark, turn immediately toward the light.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
It is 'plastic', in that its form and energy change in response to the energy it encounters. It chameleons. Noting that we are made of mostly water, it stands that we should love ourselves and direct happiness to our body, as it will carry the energy that is directed upon it.
The results are as exceptional as they are drastic. Here is the water crystal created when blessed by a Buddhist monk.

And this speaks for itself. As roughtly paraphrased from "What the bleep...", if this is what happens to our bodies when we feel these emotions, say these words...why not spend our time loving ourselves and others?


Crystals and Color.
Tiger's Eye- Increases intuition and insight.
Amber- Decreases negativity.
Fool's Gold- Blocks negativity.
Rose Quartz- Heart energy, very nice.
Clear Quartz- Increases awareness, most useful near the head or under the pillow during sleep, to boost dream intensity.
The more expensive items such as amethysts, rubies, diamonds and such are of great benefit, although some of them may be in opposition to your energy. The Ayurvedic charts are excellent at determining which stones are of benefit and which should be avoided, based upon your birth data/chart.
The color red is passion, not love. Pink is love. Green is for healing, and white will clear out everything at a lower vibration. It is very useful to, prior to sleep, visualize your sleeping area, including the walls and floor, as being brilliant white light.
It is important to remember that in an environment of the highest ethical standards
that forgiveness and compassion are as necessary as discrimination and judgement. Some faiths require that they be perfectly balanced.
If you wish to judge, you must also be equally willing to forgive.
The Psychic, and Forgiveness.
Being able to see the worst behaviour of which humankind are capable, the psychic may take two general paths: revulsion, then judgement without compassion, or compassion and forgiveness. It is likely that some incarnate with such ability in order to develop compassion. One would have to work very hard to avoid the development of compassion, upon seeing the depth and dimension of suffering experienced by humanity.
The AA Big Book says that fear is an insidious thread permeating all of our affairs. From it spring defenses and actions based upon 1: The fear of losing what we have and 2: The fear of not getting what we want. Much of human thought revolves around these basic Ego drives. Transcending them requires charity and selflessness, all contrary action to the selfish Ego drives.
Seeing this in action, and all of the negativity it causes, is revulsive. Even upon seeing it in one's self. Our culture has dropped to a place where we know better, but do it anyway. This must change, and is beginning to change as the new positive energy increases. Charity and such are far easier in an environment of love and acceptance, versus judgement and shunning.
One still develops some affection for those who suffer from the ego malady as we all go through it at one point or another, and all seek to eventually transcend it at one point or another. To assist in this, is compassion.
However, there are those firmly stuck in ego gratification, sometimes through the need to feel in control (where of course none is possible, thus creating ego discomfort) by hurting others through force and various manipulations. It is not possible to develop love in this instance. One is revulsed, and often injured, through such actions. The one who injures others is often seeking recognition of their personal pain, demonstrating it by creating it in others. "THIS is how I feel. You WILL recognize and honor how I feel!" Because in a society based upon fear, declaring your feelings and asking after help in healing is met by others who are interested in momentarily forgetting their own pain and fear by causing pain in the one seeking help. And the band played on.
This causes revulsion in the seer, until the depth behind the actions becomes evident. Then, compassion takes the place of severity and aversion.
When those who seek to manipulate target the seer, the result depends upon if the seer has moved into the level of compassion, where they will understand the harmful acts, their roots, and the positive path the one causing harm must eventually take, and forgive them unconditionally, stepping around their attacks and entrapments without comment, merely a smile of understanding.
The Bible says that you must become as a little child to enter into (perceive) the Kingdom of Heaven. Those who are on Earth who are built to live in the higher dimensions, whose light aids in the transition of the 3rd Dimensional World into the 4th (Love) and Higher Dimensions, are sometimes very vulnerable to the lower intentions, but are still capable of responding with love. Negativity responds all the harder, seeking to dislodge the unfamiliar into a space familiar to it. Responding with love and compassion denies negativity the energy it seeks.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Groundlessness, the basic Emptiness of things, and Acceptance.
Buddhists teach that all things are empty, and that life is a groundless state. You cannot cling to anything, as everything changes (at least, in this, the physical realms). Pain comes from attempting to grasp that which has changed, working for it to become what it once was, and from fighting change you do not wish to occur.
There is no security. There is nothing to grasp, which can be used to provide security.
Except of course, that which is outside of these realms.
The loss of loved ones, the realization that perhaps there was no love to begin with; being unable to prevent detrimental situations and experiences; being unable to create beneficial situations and experiences. In the end, we are unable to manage the world at that level, and it is futile to attempt such control. Some degree may be had through the mystic arts, but being ego-based creatures, this can backfire to such an extent as to be anathema.
So, what to do?
The book "When Things Fall Apart" is an excellent source of wisdom and beneficial practices with which to face the inevitability of change, and its potential suffering. These are time-tested techniques that have survived because they function as described, regarding the problems we all face. It teaches to live in the middle ground where one does not become attached to the things and situations we believe we require in order to be happy, or even to be ourselves. We also lose karma as a result of not attaching and becoming energetically embroiled in the world and its dichotomy/duality.
I find that in the Anonymous programs that there is a similar hit. The legendary Page 417 (4th edition of the AA Big Book; Page 449 in the 3rd edition) speaks of Acceptance being the solution to all of my problems today. This of course is enraging to any addict :) However, it is the truth, and it teaches healthy detachment from the world and its phases. One may survive with clarity, situations which our culture really does not spend much time teaching us, such as the loss of loved ones, etc. See above.
Nice how all practices lead to the same place.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
We are also responsible to the rest of the Universe.
Living in joy sends out a great deal of positive energy, which benefits everything as it moves out from Earth across the Universe, and eventually bounces back. Your joy benefits all beings.
We now have much greater power (and thus responsibility) to create something positive for others who are still struggling. As we learn to live like that all of the time, we will become as the angels, who already do this for us, full-time. Thank you angels!
Pray for the enlightenment of all sentient beings.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Will Sarah Palin run for office in 2012?
I feel that she may well be the single worst disaster facing the country, ever. At least in terms of what she would "accomplish" on the path of destruction, even compared to BushCo. BushCo were (spiritually) prevented from creating a nuclear event within the US (check the energy of late summer 2007). Palin may well succeed in creating many across the world. Even one is too many. Her "church" appear to be armageddonists. I would hope that the amazingly positive energy of 2012 would force out such persons, but this is not completely clear to me.
I base my intuition upon her blissful pause in response to the vice presidential debate question regarding each candidates policy regarding the use of nuclear weaponry.
She nearly had an orgasm on stage, at least as I remember it. I'd like to see that again if it's on youtube (and not much else, as I can't stand looking at her).
America must break its addiction to (exploding) bright, shiny objects. Hopefully without enduring the outcome of such learning!
Friday, November 20, 2009
2012, the movie (John Cusak)
"In 2009, American geologist Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetel Ejiofor) travels to India to meet his friend Satnam, who has discovered that neutrinos from a massive solar flare have penetrated the Earth and are causing the temperature of its core to increase rapidly."
From "...neutrinos are insignificantly absorbed by the mass of the Earth". "The exceptionally weak interaction with normal matter allowed the neutrinos to pass through the churning mass of the exploding star..." "Because neutrinos interact so little with matter..."
High-Energy Cosmic Neutrinos are still theoretical. The backstory for "Zombieland" was far more plausible than this!
Regardless, the question always comes up: Will there be wide-spread destruction leading up to and/or at 2012?
I can't tell you. I don't look at it. I only care about -getting to the wonderful energy of 2012-. I -can- tell you about the fact that the Shift is underway, that negativity will increasingly be forced out by it, and will act out in its own manner, which will cause some destruction; larger areas of negative energy such as those surrounding big cities may cause trouble as they also break; there will be natural disasters as there usually are, and they may be enhanced or even precipitated through large-level negativity. Nations such as Iran and North Korea are pressure-cookers. Freedom must occur in Iran, so let us pray that it occurs through grace and ease and not with guns and tanks. There will still be lies and liars, but less so, those who destroy to gain their way. As always, be most suspicious of spiritual leaders and movements. There is vast room there for unhappiness. People may be enticed into decisions and practices which later reveal negative outcomes...
Things can change. The future is always in flux. We create our own future, period, now more than ever. If we want destruction, we will have it. If we want peace and equality, we will have it. If some wish to dominate others, they will accomplish it, with all of the resulting bad karma, in increasingly record time.
My work is to describe the changes in energy I perceive, as well as to point to a higher direction. I describe the trend as it currently stands, and change up if merited. For example, there was almost a terrible disaster/attack in the late summer of 2007. It was palpable. It could have taken the form of a nuclear event within the United States. Such an event would have destroyed the morale of the country, perhaps unrecoverably. This sort of thing was Bush and friends' plan all along, and they nearly succeeded. What happened? I believe that there was a higher-level intervention on our behalf from the Angelic and Providence realms. That we were not allowed to destroy ourselves, or to begin the path to self-destruction. The hideous energy of the possible event was removed, completely. Evidently, the larger pendulum swing from Bush to Obama was required, and removing Bush would not have allowed the great light which occured when Obama was elected.
Small wonder that he lists "change" as one of his promises. Very tongue-in-cheek...
So, during the time of BushCo, I eventually lost faith that the new world would actually occur. It was then -made- to occur. I changed my position as it occured, and am relieved beyond my capacity to relate, that we escaped what had been building. Thus, the current trend I perceive is of increasingly positive energy up to and including 12/12/12. I will state if this changes. However, I am not looking so very deeply into what occurs =as we move towards it=. It in itself is enough. It is worth much pain, if required, just to get there, to higher ground. The pleasure of having the higher dimensions present upon Earth itself will be beyond description.
It is given that society as it stands shall not be able to exist in the new energy. Look for the negative and selfish to crumble and/or explode. Look for charity and unity to increase. Look for the misguided to create their ideals, and to learn the downside(s) so very quickly.
Change is in the air. It can be a double-edged sword. Which is why it is required to stay in a positive mental and emotional space, no matter what. My job is to remind about this, especially as the change becomes more and more visible. I hope that this helps even one person. God Bless!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
No, truly, television is poison.
Kill your TV, unless you are a fan of positive programming.
Make an effort to have "flying" dreams.
Ask your angels for flying dreams and don't interfere when they happen. Just enjoy :)
I won't go into lucid dreaming techniques as they can be abused and are =not= recommended to beginners, if there are actually any "beginners" here at all!! (At one time, I became addicted to lucid dreaming, and realized that I =hated= being awake because the "world" was far less controllable..!) Also, not everywhere you can "go" in a lucid dream is safe, even though the symbols may appear safe. Don't screw with it, just ask your angels to protect you in spite of yourself, and to help you to have flying dreams if it is in your best interest.
God Bless!
Fear is the opposite of love.
I note that fear, being the opposite of love, is one of the first things bubbling up in everyone as the Shift increases. I have in the past caused fear in others to keep them at a distance (I am horrifically sensitive with nearly no boundaries, and saying "no" to people only causes them to jab at me all the more fiercely, "welcome to Bizzarro World"!), and their fear is steadily increasing, even though I am past that sort of behaviour and planning nothing other than my own recovery (and a satisfactory distance from those who choose fear, and to act on it). It is to shrug. Perception is reality, unfortunately, and we may expect increasing fear, and people acting out on fear, as it either clears or erupts in each and every one of us.
Note that the hysterical become even worse, the paranoid as well, the racist and the agoraphobic...please send love to them as it is the only answer (and is always the answer!). Some cannot be prized from their beliefs, so simply continue to send love to them. Everyone needs love, and no positive action is ever wasted. Ever.
Friday, November 13, 2009
How to stay on-target.
"The trick is to ignore these energies that reside in between us and the desire or outcome we are navigating towards, and to stay focused on the outcome."
Karen Bishop, Emerging Earth Angels.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Why the increase in violence?
A "Mucker" is a person of either sex, of any nationality, who has suddenly, unexplainably, gone amok. Gone amok and turned as many weapons as they can find against any who are in the vicinity. Enough has occured for the trend to have been given a name, Muckers.
As the energy continues to become even more positive in Earth's shift into the 4th (Love) and higher dimensions, the lower energies come into greater and greater contrast. They become fish out of water, more and more. That which a thing is, or seeks, increases. That which is disturbed, or purposefully disturbing, will more likely find an outlet. That which is hateful, is murderous, is utterly selfish, will increase, and potentially act out. Those suffering greatly from unemployment and other long-term loss will become a larger focus in the news. The untreated mentally ill and the untreated addict will have great trouble. The same with negative corporations and social organizations.
The opposite also holds true, and is the sustained norm for the future. Those suffering from long-term loss will lead to, of course, the opposite: Acts of great charity, the realization of the need for positive change, and actions backing it up. When enough suffering occurs, others will step in and offer relief. This is the best part of humanity, and it will have opportunity as the days go by. (There will of course be natural disasters as the normal scope of things; hopefully there will be an increase in aid and donations to aid organizations. Donate time and money to the Red Cross and similar!)
But in the meantime, what of the negative? Karen Bishop states that it will have to change or leave the planet, when it becomes too painful to remain so very negative. The negative is incompatable with Love and the higher dimensions (in the majority of its forms). Look for acting out, episodes of vast hatred and bias, selfishness revealed and reviled, of the old being revealed and cast out. This is part of the Change we're all expecting. Negativity will not be "bigger" or "win"; it will break apart and be forced to make survival decisions.
Read the rest of this blog and follow the resources to stay in joy in spite of all such things. I posted it in the hopes that it would be useful in just such an emergency, to paraphrase Foghorn Leghorn, if I may be silly for a moment. Silly being a very fine antidote to suffering! (Thank you angels!)
It is imperative to not buy into negativity at any level. Not to be angry at those who cause suffering, mistakenly or with intent. It IS possible to be positive and loving in the face of such things, and such change. Ask for help from the angels! Respond to all suffering by sending love and praying for both the victims and the causes of their suffering. (True love is unconditional. The Angels are unconditional. They pray equally for both the victim and the criminal. This is the way of Love. Imagine if beings of such power and awareness displayed 3rd-Dimensional characteristics such as vengeance, and judgement without compassion...we'd be mightily screwn, instead of loved and vastly supported, as we are!)
God bless and keep you! Always look to Source!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
"How do I follow my heart when I can’t hear what it’s saying?"
I'm very sorry about your old relationship. Once bitten, twice shy, for good reason. You need to understand that you do indeed have good reason to be shy. This validates your need to be safe and stable, and honors your own value. You are already honoring your own value through taking these actions. Be certain to remember this, as it builds strength at your core. "I am already taking steps that honor myself." If this makes any sense...which segues nicely into your quote/question...
My ability to trust has been smashed, and smashed again (typed "shamed" instead of "smashed"; definitely Freud In The House..we blame ourselves for others' attitudes and damaging behaviours...Let go of self-blame and shame about your vulnerability. Admit to hurt and vulnerability, and it begins to heal.).
I once could hear my heart clearly, and it was always correct. I've ended up second-guessing it and going in the wrong direction for so long, that it's now completely silent. My angels do overtime with guidance, to requires being quiet, asking for help, and being willing to receive the help when it comes, especially if it contradicts what the mind and emotions want (even beg for). Especially again, if we are up the wrong tree and the intuition/guidance states this; we must be open to the potential that we are wrong, and be willing to make a change (and sometimes to acknowledge that we are wrong, if we're good at hiding behind what we want in the face of facts to the contrary). Sit, breathe, send love, and ask for assistance on specific questions. Spend time helping others and the Universe will automatically help YOU. Spend time with the things that give you joy, and you will clear your worries, allowing for greater ease and flow (and also, pray for ease and grace regarding your big questions and suffering).
God be with you!
(from an ASAH forum post)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Off-Topic, Regarding Aliens.
At least one site linked to in ASAH states that this type (shockingly similar to Human appearance) is the most likely to first visit if there are negative intentions involved.
I for one would find it far more likely that lifeforms rather unlike us would be the first to make contact. Or at least, it would be far easier to swallow. Any group going to great lengths to make us comfortable (or drop our guard) would be more likely to have negative intent. Aliens faced with both the interest in meeting others/trading experience -and- the barrier of earing trust due to patent dissimilarity, would be most likely to earn my initial trust. It would take humility to work at cross-understanding on both our parts. To see ourselves in something dissimilar, and to learn from it, would be wonderful, especially if it went both ways.
It is always important to say...beware Greeks bearing gifts.
The ethics and social repercussions of meeting the Other would be indescribably significant. There are still those who raise the rebel flag against the North winning the Civil War, and freeing the African-American. We've seen blatant racism in the Katrina debacle, straight from the Bush pod, as well as against Obama during and after the election. It's still there, despite what Lincoln did for us. So, imagine what effect the Significantly Other would have. I've read many excellent books on the subject, but wonder if any of them would truly capture the extent of such an event and its aftermath. Part of me longs to see; part of me fears it. If I have fear, then others may have terror, or not enough security in weltanschauung for it to be considered safe. I just don't know.
I haven't personally (intuitively) examined the ET question so I have zero answers. I am wary of anything channeled so there is no going that route, at least for myself. (There are many negative entities at work in channeled material- be very careful. Honestly, "who cares", just keep close to God/The Great Avatars and do your good works, and pray, etc. You don't need external information. God is close, so seek God. You need nothing else!)
Some, like Kriyananda, have stated (in his Bhagavad Gita translation) that there are indeed aliens, some positive, some negative, that they have craft not limited by light-speed, and that they travel for their various reasons...if the Universe is filled with life, which is likely, then it's rather likely that at least some have taken interest in Earth due to the Shift.
An old girlfriend put it so very well: "If we went into space, we wouldn't behave." I have to fully agree, and as such, significantly doubt if we'd do very well at all with any obvious visitors. We can't even get health care save the ETs for later! (grin)
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
The only problem with 2012
However, do nothing, and nothing indeed shall be the return. Obama has made this clear...he alone cannot make these changes. And we are sitting around doing little, very little.
Make a difference, now!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
What happens to society/social structures.
There will be much worry as social structures continue to simplify and shift. It is imperative to live each day in gratitude =regardless of any internal and external suffering=. Keep yourself positive, most especially in joy. These changes are unavoidable as the old, selfishness-based structures collapse, and those based upon love are created. If will feel natural to create love-based structures, as being in a love-based energy naturally supports and reinforces such things. They will -have- to happen.
If you lament the slow pace at which health care and other "quality-of-life" structures are being enacted, know that more of the old selfishness must break loose and depart before it becomes simplicity itself for the love-based to occur. Not too much longer now...however, you must want the good to occur. You must go out and demand it. You must become part of it. You must do it yourself! This ceases to be a fight, thankfully! At long last, the love-based will become easy to enact, and maintain.
And what happens to that which refuses to cease selfishness and self-obsession, much less outright negativity and destruction? It cannot be part of the new energy. Transmutation of Energy would cause it to become positive, if it can stick around long enough. If it fights the new energy, and refuses to let go of the old, it will suffer increasingly as its incompatability grows. You may experiment with this yourself. Do you have any strong dislikes? Try a good Two-Minute Hate (=do not= think of causing injury, merely be in the emotion of hate). Really reach out with your emotions. Burn with it. Rage. Now, take a bath in epsom salts and watch your favorite funny movie. Listen to your favorite, most blissful oration or music. Reach into it emotionally! Say a few "Praise God!"s! Detox (grin!)
You may find it far too uncomfortable to be in that space. Imagine those who permanently inhabit it, and who will not change. The gap between the Higher Dimensions and the Lower, grows daily. Karen Bishop has proven to me that the "stargates" of calendar dates such as 9/9/09 are real, are openings to higher and higher energies/dimensions, and will continue. I do not imagine much negativity as being able to be present upon the planet much past 11/11/11, much less 12/12/12! The same goes for social structures not invested in spreading abundance and support. It will be obvious (and already is, with Michael Moore's new film "Capitalism: A Love Story"!).
Characteristics of the Higher Dimensions.
The 4th Dimension is Love. Love includes:
-Complete forgiveness of self and others
-Compassion and true Empathy
-Giving support and guidance
-Which includes, acting as spirit guides
-Intimacy of astonishing depth
-Recognition of self and others
-Intuition and Psychic Siddhis
-Healing abilities
-Participation in the the Positive Hierarchy
-And as a result, increasing Love for all.
And of course, Unconditional Love for all of Creation. All of the things which SHOULD already be in the world, but are now occuring.
The 5th Dimension includes:
-Wholistic learning through the Wisdom Mind
-Wholistic teaching through the Wisdom Mind
-Access to the Great Libraries and Records systems
-Plans and actions which I sense and know little..
Those with access to these realms may likely also participate in Pure Lands, where all action is positive spiritual growth and benefit to others.
The Spiritual versus the Material.
Kabbalah states that our light and The Light are hidden, for good purpose. When one is tired of not being in enough love, it is time to seek the light at our heart center.
Everyone knows that love is a tremendously good feeling, either giving or receiving, even to simply be around. All the world loves the lovers... It is a lighter feeling than depression. Emotions have energy, and energy can have weight ("heavy, man") or actually be uplifting. This is why it is a good thing to seek to be and to be in unconditional love. Love provides the open space in which all things may grow. A moment spent with someone loving may help you shrug off chronic emotional issues. Why not seek as much of it as possible? Why not be as much of it as possible?
The material body is referred to by David Lynch as "The suffocating rubber clown suit". The spirit, and its connection with God, are our continuous nature; the body, a temporary home. The body is self-aware and highly intelligent. It has a large amount of instinct, and this is increased through each experience. Thus, we eventually find the musical or artistic prodigy, who has always seemed to have such skill.
The same goes, unfortunately, for other bodily characteristics, such as lust, jealousy, fear, hate, etc. The classic "deadly sins". This leads to a greater and greater tendency (and demand) to fulfill them. Habits are formed, and new spiritual habits are required to negate them.
The body also amuses itself. I am hungry. I want sex. I fear strangers. I want that music....and thinking becomes denser and more complex, until there are no spaces between thoughts. At this point, all that fills our perception (the body itself) are the body's signals. Yes, thought is a signal, the mind is an organ of associative processing. The spirit is the core of awareness/consciousness, but the incessant chatter of the body's needs makes it appear that it is all there is, or can be.
As stated about Love, all acts of love increase that which you will receive. The same is true about the body/ego. All acts serving the body/ego will increase the body/ego. To break out of the trap about which we were not even aware, requires the spiritual path of actions designed to act in opposition to the body's signals (at least to the point at which some amount of freedom is achieved, not deliberate self-rejection or self-destruction). Merely, to tame the wild horse that is the body, to follow instruction, and to not lead us everywhere that interests it.
Meditation produces insight into this condition through causing us to see these troublesome tendencies. As you sit Zazen, the body will become bored and begin making its demands. "I want hamburgers for dinner." "I want a new lover." "Gotta get to the game early this weekend." All of this is normal and not to be fought against. The good books on meditation, including "Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind", "When Things Fall Apart", "The Master Key System", and "The Path of Emancipation" discuss this at adequate length. It becomes possible to sit and not leap up to fulfill whatever comes to mind. Or, to give in to any fear the body may create in order to get you up from meditation (and then, out to fulfill whatever comes to mind).
Do not worry about this; the body is designed to respond to these techniques, and it does. It may take a while for some, but the rewards are so significant, I strongly encourage you to continue. No time spent on spirituality is ever wasted. If meditation is too difficult, counter-act this through more time at the animal shelter or soup kitchen.
Free will.
The question of "why does God allow evil, and bad things to happen to good people" has long plauged Mankind. I myself have no complete answer, not being enlightened, but the best answers seem to regard free will. We are on a stage creating theatre, all of us together. We are to a degree separate from God in the material (enough to forget God entirely). We are allowed to perform acts of negativity (and to reap their returns). Also, the natural systems must follow their functions regardless of whether those who live in the far north do not wish for snow to fill their streets and driveways once more, or for an avalanche to cause harm.
Also, regarding the tendency for a body to increasingly signal selfish desire after an extended period of fulfilling selfish desires, forms Syntony (or to some, the Law of Attraction). Sometimes things just happen, and sometimes, there is causality involved. Sometimes there are clusters of selfishness from past lives which we intend to clear in this life, and situations will magnetize to us in order to awaken us to a trend which requires change. There are many reasons, but going into the spiritual path, especially loving service, allows us to diminish them, sometimes eliminate them. Sadly, sometimes it takes someone who has been raped to create a system of shelters or even new laws benefitting others who have had the same experience. (Here I have to honor the morality of the film "Bruce Almighty", which provides some good discussion regarding this.)
I myself have been through much suffering. More than I could deal with. The result has been to pursue the positive path with greater and greater dedication, and I have healed, and hopefully helped others along that path as well. Thankfully, the news of the future is joy, which is our birthright, and our learning may now be done through excitement and that which is Right for us. It is worth getting to, even through the deepest bog and darkest night! Even if you lose your faith, and I certainly have...and when I admit that I have to make the decisions or am the creator of my own misery, it improves. Give it to God and let go.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Repeating earlier suggestions, as you cannot get enough:
-"I am praying for the greatest possible good for Mankind and all involved". (ASAH forum)
-"I am praying for the enlightenment of all sentient beings." (Tibetan)
-"I am love, I am giving love." (Young-Sowers Divination Deck)
-"I am praying that all of the lost, hear God's call home." (Angels)
And always, if you are suffering from some particular fear or difficulty, pray that all others who share in it, are healed/delivered from it with grace and ease.
-"We are praying that all of the falsely imprisoned are freed."
-"We are praying for positive abundance for all in need."
-"We are praying that all of the hungry are fed."
-"We are praying God's will for all of Creation."
-"White Light throughout Earth and The Universe."
-"We are praying the cures for cancer are given to Mankind."
-"God bless Creation."
What works for me is a slight derivation on Buddhist techniques on Mindful Breathing, which are based upon the Anapanasati Sutra's 16 stage course. The breath is a tool of transmutation. Let the body "waterbed" and mentally state the prayer on each in breath and on each out breath (or split it between in and out if it is too long). Keep light attention upon the breath as it moves through the nasal passage, and if possible, also be aware of its movement into and out of the lungs within the body, and of the volume of air just outside of the body. It takes practice, like anything, and it is a technique some two-and-a-half millennia old. It has lasted because it works. It adds power to prayer!
The passion of the Baptists is another way to charge up your prayers. If you really mean it, if your heart is involved, your prayers carry that energy and are thus far more than repeated words.
Prayer during meditation is also powerful. The body is stilled, the mind separate; with attention on the spine and its base, prayer centered there can have even more depth. Centering the energy just behind the base of the spine, behind the body, is also good (anyone who meditates knows).
God, the Holy Creator.
2012 is about the appearance of the Christ Energy, or of, as Karen Bishop calls it, Co-Creator energy. Thoughts become things. What makes this possible? Source does. The Creator, The Great Artist.
God is whatever you want God to be. In Co-Creator energy, this is exactly true.
Belief trumps emotion. This is imperative. Belief is everything. Emotions are unimportant, are reactions. Belief is causal.
If you are certain that God hates you, is going to get you, it will happen. If you are certain that God is only love and forgives you completely, it is will happen. God loves you so much that you are given the ability to create so very much.
Contrary action, when in fear and suffering during the Changes: BELIEVE that God protects you completely, utterly, fills and surrounds you with love. And does so for everyone you love. If you BELIEVE it, it is true. You must build this muscle.
If you have difficulty with belief-building, ask God, the Holy Host of Heaven, the Divine Healers, Earth Mother, The Universe, The Archangels, and the Earth Angels to help you face your demons, with grace and ease. Allow things to come up into your awareness; do not fight them or engage them, merely comment on what it is, or what happened, and if you feel fear, etc. Develop this muscle. It take surrender and is extremely powerful. You must empty yourself of your demons, no matter what, or they will create themselves, full-blast. "Monsters...from the ID!" said the wise man. It can be avoided in this manner, and it requires honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness. Pray, "I am willing to face my demons with ease and grace. Please take them from me. Please do for me that which I am unable to do myself." The Angels love to help. They wait for you to ask for help. They only help when you ask, then and only then.
God is all power. Believe this and the world is your playground. This is God's will for us at this time. This is God's amazing gift. This is how much God loves us. Always praise God! Gratitude and directly thanking God raises you to that level. It is very important to stay in gratitude. Even thanking God for your problems, is a positive prayer, and begins the healing.
Cautions about Spirituality.
Spiritual techniques are designed to aid the seeker in finding God, or at minimum, to transcend the (old) 3rd dimensional world. Beware of that which offers skills but no heart growth. The problem being, one gains many skills when seeking on the path. They are called Siddhis, and are well-described. If one uses the Siddhis for selfish purposes, one loses a great deal. The path speeds up karma, which is meant for positive karma to increase the student. Negative use of powers and knowledge cause harm...forbidden knowledge is called just that, because if one has insight and power and skills, yet retains too much ego (not enough heart), one may eventually use this knowledge out of ego response. Disaster... This is why one does not raise the Kundalini or do the Kabbalah until one has found equanimity. Any negative energies/karma in your system are amplified to an extreme.
The only paths worthy of attainment are based in the heart, to increase the heart. Kaballa states that the Universe has equal parts Judgement and Compassion; if one is on a path of ego (judgement), eventually one will judge without compassion. The heart must balance things out. Always. Loving service is of utmost importance. Beware any path without loving service. Beware any path of exceeding delineation/discrimination/exclusion. The heart is INCLUSION, and love to all, no matter what. Jesus taught this. Forgiveness is truly a form of freedom. Judgement (this thing is better than that thing, to an extreme of delineation) is a form of resentment and selfishness. Selfishness causes one to shrink into darkness. Love causes one to open and join the positive hierarchies. All assistance is available when one is in the realm of love.
The spiritual "powers" become naturally available to those on the heart path, as they are key tools to increasing the heart path. Just do good things and you will get there as it is meant to be.
Beware paths with beatific, shining leaders. If it looks too good to be true, if it throws around pleasing words and references to gain your trust, always trust your instinct. When in doubt, throw it out. Always look for photos of a beatific leader's teachers. Are they the same, or is there anything unusual going on? Don't run incautiously toward that which feels good...Remember, one may find God or the High Avatars on their own, through true dedication. If you seek, especially now, you will find, you will be given, you will be taught and supported.
Especially beware any books with disclaimers. Even if the disclaimer is humorous, or a serious disclaimer found between several bits of humor (intended to distract from the single serious bit). Spiritual experience can be just as negative as positive. You do not want all forms of spiritual experience!
Beware any book or path requesting that you read a text more than once, to get the most out of it. Do you understand how hypnotism works? It is possible that some may have found ways to encode texts with such entrapment (and far, far worse). If a book is very wordy, and/or is actually very vague, requiring much concentration over nothing, there may be risk. The truth is simple and elegant and easily recognizable. Yoganada mentions in his scientific healing affirmations handbook about positive encoding; there is most definitely negative encoding. Beware. Simply because you are able or willing to pursue labyrinthine texts, does not guarantee that they are positive. Especially if you are feeling superior to others, for having done so. Any exclusive school is suspect. Love is all-encompassing, unconditional. Period. Compare and contrast.
Many books on "self defense" in the spiritual realms may be questionable. Always go to God and the Holy Host of Heaven for protection and care. You do not need anything but God. God is All Power. Seek a group such as the Christian Scientists or Kabbalah'ists if you are in doubt. They seek Christ and God directly, and may perform powerful prayers (which are even more powerful now in the new energy).
Beware channeled material. Just because a being is discarnate does not mean that they are positive. Even negative beings present positive information to gather attention. This is possibly the most suspect area of spirituality, owing to the amount of negativity the world has been in. Much negativity has surrounded the world and sought to influence it. This is now changing, but suffice to say, keep seeking God or the Avatars directly, and avoid middlemen, no matter how attractive! No matter how huge and bright and shiny! Especially if they offer powerful tools and offer caution about their mis-use. If you are reading this, you likely still have some ego remaining. Do NOT allow the ego such powerful information!
If you face a negative person or experience, even the television news, go into prayer to God. Ask God for help and protection. BELIEVE that God will provide, IS providing. Praise the Holy Creator with Joy! God does as you wish, so much does God love us. Remember, contrary action. Get into joy as quickly as possible. "The Law of Transmutation of Energy." The negative cannot be present in a space of positive energy.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Contrary Action as a Cure
Spiritual actions make you feel good. Increase this feeling daily. The Angels around you breathe love upon you every moment of the day. They are constantly unselfish with their time, are constantly loving and supporting. This is how the world should be! Imagine if the Angels held grudges or got even, or simply bailed during difficult times. We would be utterly lost. It is important to follow their example of loving service, to work to be as they are. Loving, forgiving, supporting, healing, no matter what is going on. During suffering and doubt, pray for others and send love. Be loving no matter what. These are muscles that can be built up, and turned into habits. This is extremely important.
See the St. Francis of Assisi Prayer. It is the root of spiritual growth. The rewards are amazing when you place yourself second (or not at all). Gratitude is extremely important, even for your difficulties. This turns begins to change them, trust me. Every morning and night, give thanks for your food and shelter, for any friends and family, for your health and for your very life. All of them are gifts. Pray for the benefit of all Mankind, for the Great Earth Mother, for all sentient beings. If you suffer from something in particular, pray for the healing and best possible outcome for all of those who share your suffering. You are given to, when you give. It is a great aid to healing and peace of mind!
God first and foremost! Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! There has been no better time to find God and God's will for each of us.
About Surrender, a key to getting past difficulty
An alcoholic/addict as described in the 12-Step literature will find themselves in a position where they have lost the power of choice regarding their behaviour. Utterly, completely. Only an act of Providence may restore them to sanity and a meaningful life. The new energy will have this same effect upon everyone who is not yet in tune with it, with love and joy and honesty and charity. As you detect increasing internal tension, you will wish to counteract it with something positive. So..
There are many methods to come into sync with the new energy. One is to, if you do not already, undertake great amounts of charitable work and donations, and to offer love to all who are around you, to include all Humanity in your prayers. Prayer for others being another service.
-"I am praying for the greatest possible good for Mankind and all involved". (ASAH forum)
-"I am praying for the enlightenment of all sentient beings." (Tibetan)
-"I am love, I am giving love." (Young-Sowers Divination Deck)
Join a church or spiritual group that is to your liking. The power of group prayer is significant, and should never be underestimated.
Surrender is to give up your own will (read: self-obsession) and to allow the higher power of your choice to guide your life completely. There is much in the AA Big Book about this, as there is in the AA book "Came to Believe". Addicts surrender because they know that they are dying. The new energy can make you feel like you are dying as well, depending upon your Self.
I have practiced surrender in more than one spiritual tradition. It works, so much as you =allow= it to. But how to surrender? It comes to each of us as we genuinely desire it. (This selfish action is allowed, but only as it seeks to be of service to others.) Those who know that they are completely defeated, through exhaustion and/or repeated agony, will reach out for help, uttering that excellent prayer, "Help me", even "Help me God". It is a giving up. If you truly wish it, it will be given to you, if it is part of your life's path. If you are not defeating yourself through not fully quitting the past.
It feels like letting go. It feels like being on a waterbed. Ever try to fight a waterbed? This is what life is like. Ever just float on a waterbed, completely relaxed? That is what surrender is like. When you begin to use your muscles and grab for things, to make what you want to happen, you are out of surrender. Yes, you are trusting your higher power to do for you what you cannot do for yourself, as well as to guide you to the best possible circumstances. (Note that sometimes pain will be placed in your life as a wake-up call, so that you may deal directly with things you would otherwise never seek to solve...but need to.)
A good surrender prayer is, when relaxed and with light attention on the in and out breath, "Let God/Let Go".
The Christ will help as well, if you ask and truly seek. Christ taught us what life would be like in this coming age. Spiritual mastery...
These things are always to be undertaken when selfishness rises up, especially if the concept of spending a day at the soup kitchen would get in the way of the big game. You get back what you put out. Invest in spiritual dollars...the return is obvious.
"If you wish to fly, you must first let go." -The Angels.
However, for those of us not fully prepared for the Shift currently underway, Syntony becomes the most important issue. If you have burning resentments, or worse; self-destructive mentation and emotion; or even life situations such as being a battered spouse, you will only find more of the same, until it is either: dangerously unbearable, inciting a change; or, inciting a change already.
Hidden emotions and beliefs will become more and more active in your life. This is the mirror effect, and it is to both allow you to change to something more positive, and to also be positive, and thus create even more positive situations for yourself and more importantly, others. Thus, it is time to become utterly honest with yourself.
The majority of issues in this current society consist of failures in intimacy. Emotions are shunned, especially honest emotional displays causing others to react with running away. This can add insult to injury. However, the time for such suffering is ended due to the increasing prominence of the 4th dimension, which is love/intuition/intimacy. Healing can and will be complete, and love and belonging experienced as never before. IF those of us with injury will surrender to the truth and LET IT GO.
To wit:
-If you are a battered spouse, you may believe that you deserve such treatment, having given up on life and even the possibility of love. And/or, that you may finally find love through changing the abuser (which consists of allowing them to abuse you to the point where they might suddenly see what they are doing and stop, which is your way of seeking self-worth from others, if others can finally see you as valuable). This goes back to winning parent's approval, which is not possible for an adult. Self-worth comes from self-love, which may only grow when one takes contrary action to the injury, and makes an effort to do things they love (even and especially during the injurious relationship).
-Self-pity will become a severe rut. Get honest. Grow up. Trungpa Rinpoche recommended the following mantra, to be thought with the in-breath, and again with the out-breath, with light attention on the breath itself: "Grow up".
-Resentments and hatred, vendetta and worse will return the same to the sender. Thoughts become things. If not through external forces, through their own corrosive, acidic nature. It becomes pure self-destruction to harbor such thoughts and emotions. Be honest with yourself, if you are suffering and believe it to be related to such. Even for a dead parent, even for a dead spouse, who should not have left you. "You shouldn't...", "They shouldn't have...", "You're not supposed to...", are good tools. Fill in the blank and you find and begin releasing the emotion.
-If you are depressed, etc., and it is chemical, seek good medical attention immediately. You want the support of the medical community if you have this or a similar imbalance. They might become enormous in the new energy. I'm not certain, but why take chances.
-If you are an alcoholic and/or an addict, get into recovery if you are not currently. If you are in recovery, the rewards for working Program now increase significantly. Likewise, the chances for relapse greatly increase! Take care of yourselves!
-Fear is the root of much human difficulty. Fear of not getting what you want. Fear of losing what you have. There is a line in Sonia Choquette's Ask Your Guides card deck stating (loose paraphrase), when you lash out at others, you are actually in contempt at your own vulnerabilities. When vulnerable, fear is a terrible behaviour modifier. As the changes increase, fear will also increase. It is and will increasingly continue to be imperative to release fear, to name what you are afraid of and if necessary, ask God to please remove it. (You may ask that as often as you wish!). Love banishes fear, and you receive love when you give it, so be of loving service as much as is possible. Truly. Take this contrary action. Staying in fear and thinking about getting out of it does nothing. Take action. Maintain through infusion of your favorite positive and funny films and media!
Very high-level:
Check out her books and mini eBooks. She has been spot-on regarding energy shifts, which are my specialty, and offers so much more beyond that, for folks well beyond myself. Inspiring.
Ask Your Guides: Connecting to Your Divine Support System by Sonia Choquette:
Lots of great advice. I try to use this and other divination decks every day, to stay on track.
Angelic Messenger Cards: Divine Guidance for Personal Healing and Spiritual Discovery, A Book and Divination Deck by Meredith L. Young-Sowers:
High-vibrational advice. Excellent.
When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times, by Pema Chodron:
This is the brass tacks; real solutions for emotional upheaval and distress, including simple and effective meditation advice. Truly effective. Try it and stick with it.
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind by Suzuki-Sensei
Extremely high-vibrational book, extremely easy language and valuable insight. Just reading this will help you; practicing it will make you soar.
"True Love" by Thich Nhat Hanh:
This, and the expanded version of the same practices, "The Path of Emancipation", are excellent.
David Lynch's "Catching the Big Fish". Powerful for fans and meditators and the generally creative!
A friendly group of spiritually-based people hang out at the democratic underground web site. I post as "Fire, Walk With Me".
Monday, October 5, 2009
Welcome, and the Purpose of this Blog
The purpose of this blog is to detail, for those concerned with the basics, the changes now occuring in the world as the 2012 energy ramps up, and how to attune to it, if desired. If you have chosen to stay on Earth thus far (past the Summer Solstice), you have the opportunity to release all karma and to live in the new world. It is hoped that this site will provide truly useful information along these, and other lines.
Please note that an effort will be made to stay in the positive, although at times it may be necessary to deal with painful changes as they occur, in order to present reminders about staying in the positive, no matter what. Old forms detrimental to human existence and our birthright, joy, are increasingly incompatable with the positive energy now becoming present on Earth. Expect suffering as institutions and individuals rooted in the negative find themselves feeling more and more lost, as the negative (and any incompatable with joy), break apart and fall away. Business and other institutions shall become greatly simplified as competition diminishes and service to humanity takes precedence.
Why should you listen to me? Who am I, and what do I do?
Please understand that nothing negative is involved in this Blog, or in myself. My name is Mike Peake, and I have proven at the following links some measure of the non-linear. Meaning, "psychic", and "clairvoyant".
I am "Fire, Walk With Me" on this forum. Check the second half of the first post.
It has more weight if you were there as it happened, but there it is; prediction of energy disruption up to two months ahead of time.
Please note that as I have "reached ahead" or "warped time" to note these two earthquakes, I have also checked out 2012 and found it to have =amazingly= positive energy, as described by some I've mentioned in this blog and Resources post. Barring some Deity-level change of plan, this is the trend.
It's going to be WONDERFUL.
(Update, Dec. 2011: For those fully rooted in the positive. Those determined to dislike themselves and others, who wish to live in fear, will experience increasing amounts of these, up to and past the humanly tolerable. It is neither right nor wrong, it is about choices and where they will lead you. Please choose love and being loving.)
Next, read the first post, which begins mentioning subjects will not be so very evident unless you were there, my May 2008 posts (predicting economic trouble, and =when= it would be obvious), and my April 2009 posts. Oil did not disrupt as expected, but did increase one dollar since January 09, and stayed. Gold has indeed continued to rise, as indicated.
(The first post mentions several trends which I have "nailed" ahead of time, most importantly among them the outstanding nature of the German ADAM studio loudspeakers. I purchased the third pair to be sent to the States. The second buyer, a friend, became the (then) US distributor. Sir Rupert Neve, yes, "that" NEVE, purchased the first set. In the time since, ADAM have revolutionized the studio monitor field and found vast acceptance and praise, including use in remixing/remastering Von Karajan's work, and the Beatles' "Love" CD, and much more.)
These are the first times that I have displayed psychic skills in public, and not to individuals only. In the past, I have let a single individual know when I felt that a very large earthquake was right around the corner. This includes the California, Northridge earthquake, and the 2004 Asian tsunami which sadly killed many. I of course will not attempt to document this, as it is impossibly ridiculous to ask anyone to believe this in hindsight, regardless of it being true. And to spare those I told about it beforehand, from having to deal with multiple inquiries.
I will continue to post any feelings of significant change, as they come to me, there on the ASAH forum, in the Visionary/Dreaming etc. threads. I'm not the first with any psychic ability to have gone public, even on DU. I simply wish to add my voice to spirituality in general, be true to myself, and to provide whatever aid is possible regarding adjustment to the incoming changes to any it would benefit (and to point to those who are much further along than I am, for much, much more benefit to any seeking such!).
How does it work? As an individual becomes aware of their spirit through meditation and other practices, the spiritual talents become ignited. Precognition and sensitivity to energy are very basic. The Christ demonstrated, to teach us, complete mastery of the physical world from the spiritual side. Christ was not negative. I am not negative, despite my personal tragedies in alcoholism and bipolarity (being wide-open to the old energies might drive anyone to drink and lash out-- thankfully, God has taken this from me, and I hope to not be judged regarding it.). The point being, I myself am certainly no saint, however, I am dedicated to the positive side, and hope, in this Blog, to be of service, which is for the benefit of myself and any who might find it useful. Step 12, in the broad sense.
I will talk of God. The energy now present on Earth are the early stages of what has been called "Co-Creator" energy, or the Christ Energy, which Christ came to describe. The Christian Scientists have researched it for a while now; shaman world-wide understand energy sensitivity and manipulation since the dawn of time. God is becoming present, to an extent, to grant those who so choose, Co-Creator status. This means that thoughts are things. The feedback from this level of mind-over-matter absolutely demands that a being release negativity. Consider it. What you put out will now be returned with vastly increased energy, at great speed. If you harbor resentment at anyone...shrug.
There are many aspects to spirituality which I might mention, such as lucid dreaming. Know that Tibetans, among others, have for centuries used lucid dreaming as a spiritual tool. One may meditate and pray in a lucid dream, which is of service and creates positive karma. However, one may also use lucid dreaming as the Wish-Fulfilling Gem and actually burn away positive karma. Many of the Siddhis, as the East Indians call them, come as double-edged swords. It is always best to approach spirituality as an attempt to be of service and benefit to others only. Anything serving the ego creates monsters.
Best yet, only use spirituality as the search for God, which has never been easier. One may meditate with light attention on the in and out breath, thinking with each, "God the Holy Creator", even "I am love/I am giving love". Both are highly useful.