Spiritual growth moves in the opposite direction from ego fulfillment. If you want love, you must first give love. If you want wealth, you must first share your abundance. If you want peace, you must go out and help others to create it. You will be given that which you bring to the world.
Spiritual actions make you feel good. Increase this feeling daily. The Angels around you breathe love upon you every moment of the day. They are constantly unselfish with their time, are constantly loving and supporting. This is how the world should be! Imagine if the Angels held grudges or got even, or simply bailed during difficult times. We would be utterly lost. It is important to follow their example of loving service, to work to be as they are. Loving, forgiving, supporting, healing, no matter what is going on. During suffering and doubt, pray for others and send love. Be loving no matter what. These are muscles that can be built up, and turned into habits. This is extremely important.
See the St. Francis of Assisi Prayer. It is the root of spiritual growth. The rewards are amazing when you place yourself second (or not at all). Gratitude is extremely important, even for your difficulties. This turns begins to change them, trust me. Every morning and night, give thanks for your food and shelter, for any friends and family, for your health and for your very life. All of them are gifts. Pray for the benefit of all Mankind, for the Great Earth Mother, for all sentient beings. If you suffer from something in particular, pray for the healing and best possible outcome for all of those who share your suffering. You are given to, when you give. It is a great aid to healing and peace of mind!
God first and foremost! Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! There has been no better time to find God and God's will for each of us.