Saturday, January 9, 2010

Have your prayers been answered? Oh yes, all of the time.

Most especially where I have truly asked from my heart, for the benefit of others, where I have truly felt it deeply. Where my compassion actually increased as a result of my wish for the betterment of others.

I'm in a life position where I am pretty much unable to be of benefit to others through my time and energy, so I pray a lot (and use my insomnia as prayer time). Go back a couple of posts to see regarding the prayers I tend to generally use (-We are co-creating the idea of charity in mankind"). I can always feel my vibration lifting when I've prayed correctly, much in the same way one gets a rush from acts of charity and compassion.

Regarding prayer for myself...I was taught to not pray for myself directly, unless it's for me to be able to be of further service and growth toward such. However, I have been released from terribly destructive situations =when I have finally become honest about my part in having created them=. I feel that God approaches us, as we approach God. A true plea for help based upon the realization of an inability to help one's self, can be met with more than you'd hoped. Humility and gratitude are powerful assists to prayer.

Now that we are in co-creator energy, it is possible for us to Bless the Creator, in thanks for the continuous blessings we already receive!

Bless the Creator!

Bless the Creator!

Bless the Creator!