Sunday, February 28, 2016

Rough spot occurring and just ahead

Multiple episodes of violence in the US. I'd discussed "muckers" a few years ago and it's as stated going to become worse. I've seen other spiritual writers mention 2016 as a year of cleansing so that we're good to manifest the positive in the future, and this requires more cleansing, ever more deeply, and it's a good idea to note that your temper can be short at this time, and to slow down any heated exchanges and to avoid the truly short-tempered as well. Do not become stuck in bad news or bad moods. Focus upon things which make you joyous.

My cleansing process involves honesty, naming what is wrong with myself and asking for help to clear and / or fix it. Yours may vary but you will find the way if you are both interested and willing. Those who are not aware that something is up may simply be tetchy, etc. Being willing will make a large difference as this moves through us. You can always pray for grace, ease, and guidance. It's also useful to ask "What am I not understanding about this growth? What am I supposed to be doing/getting from this?" and similar as you find useful.

I've mentioned here or perhaps elsewhere that a limited civil war is possible in the US. This is becoming ever more clear as co-creation manifests people's beliefs which is visible as increasing polarization. As also stated ad nauseum, this is reflection and clearing at a national, perhaps global level. Beings of light are working to keep us safe from larger manifestations of this as we move through it, but praying for the removal of war and destruction is always good. Expressing love and gratitude toward Mother Earth is also always good. Send love to the mineral, plant, insect, and animal Kingdoms and elements. Thank Mother Earth for your beautiful body, which is made up of bits of Mother Earth and will return to her as well.

Blessings and peace and love!

Update, March 2nd:

M7.8 - Southwest of Sumatra, Indonesia

Monday, February 22, 2016

You are holy.

Live with that knowledge.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

2016 Clarification

When I've said the US can fall into being a 3rd world country, I mean it in terms of living in harmony with the land versus hoarding world resources and conspicuous materialism and consumption. You will note that around the world there is yet another change occurring, with people rising up and demanding better (not so visibly yet in the US); it is the result of the ongoing upwards shift in vibration and people wanting the world to reflect such overall, a push for living a better way. In the US it is happening but it is being limited to partisan divide-and-conquer. The corporate coup the TPP is being signed this week and there are enormous marches everywhere except in the US. While most people are wishing for a better world in the US we are still under the spell of the establishment and are attempting to participate in the establishment in order to create the desired change. The establishment has no intention whatsoever of changing. However, and this is important, the unified energy of those who want real integrity in the system are having an effect not counted upon by the system. Enough people intent upon a direction forces that direction, in co-creation. The energy is not wasted despite it not being the quickest way toward change that is possible.

The positive is occurring. People want something better, a better way of living. They want fairness an the characteristics of the 4th Vibrational Dimension: inclusion, love, brotherly love, support, reinforcement, community, reinforcement, co-operation. Most people don't want a bloody revolution, they want real change despite being mislead by the negative, and real positive change is possible from enough people simply demanding it in unison.

Agents of the negativity and of the status quo are becoming ever more visible and outspoken as the vibration shifts out of their frequency range. They appear ever more unpleasant and per the Trend of the people examining, naming, and discarding the negative, the process continues. Hillary Clinton, corporatist and 1%er extra-ordinaire, is under increasing scrutiny for her increasingly obvious selfishness and cronyism. Antics ensue. People are becoming upset about the electoral process itself; the entire system is under the beginnings of a scrutiny representing the people wanting a positive way of life. Occupying things, so to speak; getting into what isn't right, calling it out, detailing a better way, and demanding it. The Emergent re-Emerges.

Saturday, February 6, 2016