Saturday, March 26, 2016

Processing the mean

Astrologers are saying Saturn goes retrograde for about half a year and I'll confirm it energetically...negative karma processing time. Don't act upon any meanness coming up in you, but see it, accept it, name it and its reason(s), and ask for help understanding, grace, ease, and guidance if it doesn't clear from so doing. You'll find your own process if this isn't right for you.

Others who do not understand this is what is occurring may need to be smacked in the face by their process in order to "get" what is wrong and should be released. Some will be mean as they process mean. This of course occurs at both a personal and an international level. Pray for the removal of destruction and war (always a good daily idea) and always return to your joy.


Edit 3.28.2016: There are often two sides. What you are doing that you need to stop doing, as well as what you are not doing and need to begin. If you are not taking care of yourself due to lack of self-worth, self-esteem, etc. or your integrity is low through irresponsibilities now is the time for them to come up in review and clearing.