I'm burned from the last couple of months so this will by no means be complete!
In 2010 I (purposely generally) alluded to where to trend-watch in
2011. The majority of how it applies in America has only sprung up in
the last quarter of this year, and continues to accelerate. Some has
been obvious in the rest of the world (Arab spring).
Shocking revelations in government (S1867/NDAA, etc.), community,
responsibility, better ways of living, non-instant revolution (#Occupy),
home-growing for food (not yet catching on), great ideas (biomimicry
for drought relief, gamers figuring out how to untie an AIDS retrovirus protein), and the overall push toward living in the
principles of the higher dimensions (honesty, openness, inclusion,
truth, peace, community, creation, courage, love, and Bolivia's new 'Law of Mother Earth' which gives nature equal rights with humans...'bout time.)
In 2009, about 2010: The first stirrings of Change, of revolution:
The 11.11.11 energy was/is a real kick-start. Consider this
regarding the similar 2012 energy "portals". We will be increasingly
jumped up into the eventual continuous positive energy to be found in
the world after 2012. This process involves, as Karen Bishop so clearly
saw, the willful shedding of karma or its logical manifestation, as you
will not want anything in you to be negative in the coming space of
co-creation. In 2011 you will likely have found old things coming up so
that you had the opportunity to understand and to release them. This is
important work. Admit to things, release them, let them go. Be willing,
even when you do not know how to let them go. Ask your Guides for help,
especially when you encounter something beyond your control,
unmanageable, which reduces you to powerlessness. There is help but you
must ask for it, and be willing to let it help...
This is the most basic importance for moving into the energy of
2013. 2012 continues the trend of clearing. This is true at the
personal, family, city, and national levels. I worry about America as it
has been running around the world playing policeman for so long, and
for how it treated the First People and African-Americans. And how it
has sucked up a great deal of the worlds resources. This IS a great
nation, mostly due to its people. If America is reduced to something
less, it will still be strong through its people, who will band together
to solve such problems as personal/family/city needs. It is time for
spirituality in America, even if only through compassionate acts and
caring for others.
"That which a thing is, increases." Houses of cards are crumbling.
I've said these things more than once. We are clearing the greedy and
selfish to allow for Community and love. Those who choose to pursue
greed and selfishness and fear as paths of learning will increasingly
experience discomfort and the characteristics of fear and selfishness.
This will provide them the insight required to shrug it off if they so
choose. The new energy allows for very quick, massive personal change in
proportion to the intent and willingness and surrender (utterly giving
up) put into it. Welcome to those who choose the lessons of love and
creation! WELCOME!
There is no right or wrong about it, there is only that which you
choose and where it leads you. Always consider where an action will lead
you, if you have any doubt or if you have anger.
The Trend is for the 99% to reclaim their power and voice, and to
determine a Better Way Of Living...and to bring it about. The declining
power of the 1% will still seek to obstruct, usurp, and even destroy it,
such is its wont. It is important to note that not only will the will
of the majority prevail, it is important for that majority to show up
and claim what it wants. The positive energy will provide. You should by
now note that positive acts have sustainability. In the older energy,
it seemed that there was an efficiency ratio of something like 99%
effort toward the positive, and a 1% result. That has changed and will
continue to show up as the trend, will continue to show up as
increasingly powerful. Those of the old way will make some headway as
they are BUSY creating what they want. We must be even busier, all of
us, creating what WE want, for it to stick. As the placard states: 99%
to 1%...those are great odds. 2012, we will have been seeing where we stand regarding
the increasing amplitude of extremes, and that we have choices to make,
and that we are capable of making them. This is not a problem, we can
do it together. We must CHOOSE to do it together! The awakening of
humankind is of course part of this, and is partially propelled through
it. Again, as an #Occupy sign stated: "...this is a process." It is not
an avalanche of issues, it is an uncovering, a spring cleaning. Rise to
the opportunity! We are stronger as a whole in so doing!
Politics? What has been a circus becomes increasingly simply
pathetic...just pathetic. More and more agree upon this, and we look to
ourselves for the answers. Don't like banks? Do as #Occupy San Francisco
and start your own credit union. What do you need? BUILD IT. It becomes
easier and easier to do.
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
― Richard Buckminster Fuller
I wish for the world to come to a global mic check, to a global
General Assembly, of the people, for the people, by the people. This can
happen if we pay attention that the problems we face, of differences,
are only speed bumps in our path and are not absolutes. We CAN do this.
We WILL when we work at it. It is an incredibly exciting time to be
alive! Do not fear any large-scale tumult, it is part of the process.
Build your happiness muscles, choose to stay in joy, and build it for
yourself and everyone, regardless!
This of course is incomplete, is highly general. I will say nothing
about specific things requiring individual choice, only the general
Trends from which to choose. If someone tells you "You will be a
millionaire" and doesn't mention that it's through incredible
determination and very hard work, you'll kick back to await the
supposedly inevitable. Which will then NOT happen. Your participation is
required for you to experience your joy, and to help build it for
everyone else as well. Do not focus upon the unfortunate energy of
problems, focus always upon solutions. Luckily, the increasingly
positive energy supports this as well. We CAN face anything put in front
of us. The will of the people is a physical thing! Get up, stand up.
Stand up for your rights...