Sunday, November 19, 2017

11:11 Portal and the year thus far

The 11:11 2017 portal was significant enough to merit a new post no one will read or ever see.

Note that Charles Manson died a few days after 11:11. Big energy shifts find those unwilling to adapt, moving on to the same energy elsewhere, off-Earth. This does not necessarily mean the deeply negative but also those who are sick and clinging to certain energies no longer harmonious with higher vibrations, be they rebellion, defiance, stubbornness, etc. Always note celebrity deaths after big energy shifts, they're the visible tip of the iceberg. And 11:11 was indeed large. Time to let go of negative patterns and the past or face difficulty.

The year thus far. Things mentioned in "Authoritarianism and the 2016 (s)election" are here.

-The US having to take a look at its deep authoritarianism/selfishness/patriarchy/white supremacy/toxic masculinity.
-Limited fighting in the streets between literal NAZIs and Antifa/anarchists, with three deaths thus far for antifascists in this round. Clearly visible RWNJ media attempts to stoke NAZIs to kill Antifa. Shots were fired at Antifa in Charlottesville.
-Immediate rounding-up of immigrants, xenophobia, rise of the racist "right" (dems are racist as all hell but do it covertly and in passive-aggressiveness). Increased hate crimes. 25 murdered trans folk in the US this year thus far.
-More liberals whining to take away everyone's guns (except the racist, murderous police of course, or the murderous imperialist military; statists gotta state). They haven't even considered the danger of only Trump and his "very fine people" being the only ones to have guns; the plight of people of color and the marginalized never ever cross their entitled minds as they seek to maintain their pathetic comfort zone (only for themselves). Zero shits or thoughts given about the millions being killed in the middle east, central america, and south america thanks to them. I know, I know; love doesn't judge. I don't love these problems, I want to solve them.
-I'd mentioned the Clintons helping media and banks monopolize into empires; it's now clear they've done the same thing to the DNC and the entire democrat party, privatizing it through money laundering, creating an entire system OWING THEM FAVORS.
-Hillary has been screeching RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA! for well over a year now; this is a deeply conniving multi-pronged attack upon the US and its structures. It keeps her relevant, activates her aging base who grew up on the Red Scare of the Soviet Union, shouts down all other leftists and left groups as RUSSIAN BOTS (they've already attacked Black Lives Matter and Standing Rock/NoDAPL), creates a spearhead behind which her bots unify, yes, they've used W Bush's absolutist ultimatum regarding you're either with us or your a RUSSIAN BOT/divisive, etc. It gives the deep state a reason for its visible involvement with her (she and the CIA overthrew Honduras and Libya, now they're working to overthrow the US). It gives her a lever through which she seeks to steal the presidency and her coveted crown of POWER. This is a coup. Donations to the "clinton foundation" have dropped significantly and countries and companies have pulled out, almost like they expected presidential-level favors in return for having donated. AHEM, COUGH.
-Another aspect of RUSSIA! is the new cold war and massive profits for arms dealers. Poland just ordered some $10 billion in missiles. U.S. Defense Contractors Tell Investors Russian Threat Is Great for Business
-In "unifying" democrats to back her shrieks and soft coup, their resulting attacks upon anyone with anything resembling an even remotely differing idea on the left has revealed their absolute tribalism regardless of any known depth of corruption, revealed their sociopathy and cultism.  Let their cries ring ever more loudly and alienate all who are capable of any measure of critical thought. (RUSSIA! allows them to try to shout down ALL leftists; democrats hate socialists more than they hate fascists.)
-Saudis and Israel are banding together to force war with Iran.
-I saw a man winning and indeed, there is Trump.
-Vice President Pence represents the sick "religious right" who are now defending Roy Moore's acts. Conflict with this powerful group is part of moving out of tribal sickness into love.
-Trump and the capitalists Obama and Bill Clinton worked to set free are now nakedly legislating money into their hands where before there was at least a single layer of covert claims of populism. The enormous younger generation see through it and won't play partisan tribalism games. Change is coming. Some are beginning to realize wall street and the military-industrial complex get paid no matter who is in office.
-Climate change is now visible enough so that the average person gets some of it. It's much worse than most people know. Bill Burns said earlier this year we've begun a 60-year cycle of change; I'm not sure how he's factoring in this cresting wave. I restate that the ability to farm for maximum nutritional yield in shifting temperature and unstable seasonal conditions is critical. Walipini!
-Standing Rock and the Water Protectors were this week vindicated by a large leak in the Keystone pipeline. May all of their court cases be thrown out, may the Red Nation continue to rise as leaders teaching how to live in harmony with the Earth.

The shift has now reached the point where sexual abuse and assault victims can speak their piece and receive support instead of more abuse. We are in the process of seeing and rejecting patriarchy, toxic masculinity, white supremacy, capitalism, authoritarianism, sexism, etc. All aspects of male dominance are under question as they should and must be as the feminine arises into its leadership role in the new direction. Things which were "normal" in terms of sexism are now clearly not okay.

Here is a thin outline of an article I'd begun but never finished regarding awareness of toxic masculinity/patriarchy and its results against both men and women. This can trigger, be aware. This is to help any who need the information through which to heal.


-Gun culture
-Wars and more wars
-Never admitting error, creating a culture of unaccountability
-Commidification of everything, especially the female body and sexuality, control of reproduction
-Toxic groups based upon selfishness and dominance and superiority such as political parties and “religious right”

That these characteristics also occur in sociopaths and worse is no mistake.

Toxic masculinity is the Alpha thing run wild, the need to be more than any other. Jello Biafra had a great song listing the personal characteristics of a sick man, which must win: My haircut must win! Etc. At any cost. Because the fear of being less than and a base of being controlling.

Love is not part. Families which may have had love are damaged and twisted by toxic fathers into battlefields and torment. (Some women have zero business being mothers but that’s minor in comparison to the generality of toxic masculinity.) Women who rightfully fight back but in destructive ways harm their children which ends up only perpetuating the cycle as children deprived of love may resent and carry that into later life. Again, with few tools of healing and an unloving culture, perpetuation is a given.

Lacking love and being filled with fear, control is the logical conclusion. Control is better than being loved. This is so very clear in the “alt-right” who believe themselves “Alphas” and everyone else, a “cuck”, meaning everyone’s woman but theirs is cheating and thus everyone but them is less than them. They control, they don’t love; they dominate. And they’re driven by the terror that if their woman cheats upon them or leaves them that they’re then a Beta (less than). It’s all about fear, and fear is used as the control mechanism of man to woman.

Worthlessness. People with a sense of self-worth and value do not need to control others to feel good about themselves or to momentarily feel less bad about themselves.

Suffering. Some bullies cause harm because in lashing out they know SOMEONE, even momentarily, feels how they felt. In a culture which tells you to stuff the pain and never accuse the abuser or people might have to become responsible and actually deal with intolerable abuse and the resulting emotions, the cycle of course continues unchecked.

Sexual sadism. This is about control and ownership, total ownership and the creation of absolute dependence in the submissive toward the dominator. It’s a substitute for the exchange of love and has little or nothing to do with sex or sexuality.

Donald Trump. “Grab ‘em by the pussy” was apparently an attractive thing for a man to say to those who voted for him. Trump is the right person at the right time. For change to occur, the majority must decide upon it, and this requires adequate motivation and example.

"With all the ways of communicating
We can't get in touch with who we're hating..."
Husker Du. 1984.

"Abusers thrive on isolating their victims. They deliberately confine the social life of their victims, exert power to alienate friends/family.

Every intersection produces a degree of social alienation, represents a dimension of socialization that's made difficult or impossible.

Creating a culture hostile to abusers, *requires* removing intersectional oppressions. It either makes queer autistic people safer, or no one safer.

It's very easy for people who have a lesser degree of social alienation, forget that there are others who face much steeper obstacles to crawl out of the pit abusers create for their victims."